PRESTO equips all types of sanitary facilities in TRANSPORT SITES :
Airports & planes, Ports & boats, Stations & trains, Petrol stations, Motorway service areas, Motorway rest areas, Underground metro systems etc.
PRESTO equips all types of sanitary facilities in TRANSPORT SITES :
Airports & planes, Ports & boats, Stations & trains, Petrol stations, Motorway service areas, Motorway rest areas, Underground metro systems etc.
The provision of sanitary facilities is an essential service for users of sites with heavy traffic. These high-tech facilities are valuable assets for the operator.
Their tapware and sanitaryware must be able to withstand intensive and sometimes negligent use. It must also ensure that safe levels of hygiene are maintained, water consumption is controlled, management costs are optimised and it is accessible to all.
PRESTO French tapware and sanitaryware is used in all types of public access buildings around the world. Each product is designed based on how and when the intended user will use it, as well as the maintenance it will require and the expenses involved.
Timed-flow taps limit water consumption sustainably and are the product of unique technological expertise in all things related to hygiene, robustness and comfort. PRESTO enables sites with high water consumption needs to minimise how much is consumed and secure its use.