Please contact our customer service team to check product availability.
To place an order, please send your request by email or EDI.
To check the status of your current orders and their delivery schedules, please contact our customer service team by phone.
To establish a site cost estimate for which the total retail price is greater than €3,000 (excl. VAT), please send your price requests by email indicating:
Your company name, your name and contact details (telephone and email address) The name and location of the site The name of the installer The ITT/EXE progress.
For any questions related to the fitting, servicing or maintenance of our products, please contact our Technical Support service by phone or email. You can also directly consult our technical documentation (technical specifications, installation instructions, maintenance guides, exploded views and lists of spare parts).
Please email any questions concerning a dispute or product return to our customer service team, to ensure that they are processed as quickly and efficiently as possible.